The female Orcs in World of Warcraft are getting a facelift in the upcoming expansion, Warlords of Draenor.

Chris Robinson, senior art director for World of Warcraft at Blizzard, created a blog post in which he gave us a look at the newly upgraded character models for the female Orcs in the game. One of the focuses was to redesign and revamp models that are currently in the game. The team has also listened to the ideas and feedback from the community with regard to the kinds of customization options they'd like to see.

Lead animator Steve Aguilar and character artist Dusty Notling offered some insight into the new Orc female models we see below. These characters have been given more personality thanks to a new "Don't mess with me!" attitude, conveyed through different facial expressions, whereas the previous models had kind of a blank stare. They also wanted the female Orc models to show a sort of battle-ready demeanor while still retaining a sense of femininity. Not an easy task when it comes to Orcs, but you can see the results below.

Look forward to seeing the new female Orcs when Warlords of Draenor is released.

World of Warcraft
World of Warcraft
World of Warcraft

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