Minidoka Repairs Continue; This Twin Falls’ Road Should Be Next
Over the past couple of weeks, many of you that travel daily past Minidoka Street in Twin Falls have probably noticed the roadway gravel and cones lining the street next to the Depot Grill. I thought at first the popular restaurant was just getting some much needed curb improvements, but the more I drive in the area, the more it looks like the project is bigger than that.
As I drove back to the station from my lunch hour today, I saw several city maintenance trucks parked near Minidoka and Shoshone streets. All the loose gravel in the yield lane near the Depot Grill is a good indication that roadway improvements are to be expected soon. I drive these streets multiple times a week, and have noticed several spots on Minidoka have been in desperate need of an upgrade.
South Park Avenue West, just over the Old Towne Bridge near La Casita, could certainly use some repairs as well. The Stinker Station exit onto the road currently holds the title of worst pot hole in the city. The Subway, on Kimberly Road, used to hold that distinction before they patched their massive hole that used to greet drivers as they exited the drive-thru; the location even inspired me to write a story about the mammoth road hazard back in 2018.
Another area that comes to mind is the roadway behind the Idaho State Liquor Store, at 160 Blue Lakes Boulevard North, which is still in awful condition. Ash Street North, off of Heyburn Avenue, is a driver's worst nightmare, and features a pothole every four feet it seems. There are certainly a number of other city roadways that could use some tender loving care.
What Twin Falls' roadway do you think could use an upgrade?
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