Multiunit At Fred Meyer Lot Taking Shape; Permits Remain Nameless
If you've visited Fred Meyer lately in Twin Falls, then you've probably noticed that construction on the new multiunit is going off without a hitch.
As I made my way into Fred Meyer Tuesday to buy the new Bluray release of "Midsommer," I was taken aback at how quickly building has come along in the corner of the lot, where Caswell Avenue and Fillmore Street intersect. In mid-August, I spoke to a construction staffer that told me he had heard an insurance company and an arcade were going to be two occupants of the building.
I've contacted just about everyone possible--from city building and engineering to the chamber of commerce--and have confirmed one of the businesses will be that of the insurance variety. According to Twin Falls Public Information Director Joshua Palmer, it's still not known how many businesses will operate on the site.
"It is being constructed as a multiunit, but we still don't have any permits on file," said Palmer.
So, in other words, once construction finishes, whatever spaces of the multiunit haven't been claimed, will be leased out. Palmer was going to further research an expected completion date and get back to me. One employee at the Twin Falls Chamber of Commerce also mentioned an insurance company is rumored to be taking up residence there.
I must say, it would be great if Twin Falls does indeed get an arcade of such in one of the spaces, as a site worker alluded to back in August. There appear to be multiple permits available also to anyone out there who might be toying with the idea of starting up a business of their own.
What other types of businesses would you like to see operate in the new site?