The Travel Channel's popular program, "Ghost Adventures," will be airing an episode this weekend that will feature one of southern Idaho's most popular relaxation destinations.

The Lava Hot Springs Inn will be the focus of the team's April 12 episode on the network. The episode, which is the 11th of season 11, means it is one of the last episodes the Ghost Adventures crew has shot. The program is beginning season 12 soon.

The Lava Hot Spring Inn is located in Bannock County, just 150 miles east of Twin Falls. It was formerly a medical facility that assisted people with chronic illnesses, which makes it a very attractive target for ghost hunters. The property now is a popular lodging destination for those who want to enjoy the ground's therapeutic hot pools.

The episode is airing Friday, April 12, at 5 p.m.(CT). It will also run May 11 and 12. One of the crew members, Jay Wasley, recently visited Twin Falls, making some excited for the possibility of an upcoming episode in the Magic Valley.



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