NFL Players Get a Reality Check
Aggregate polling data provides us with a clue about respect for the flag. Most Americans cherish it and the national anthem, which also is a nod to the meaning of the banner.
Goodell and the team owners he serves are capitalists. Some players kneeling hurt the bottom line.
It only took the National Football League a couple of years to acknowledge the respect most fans and countrymen share.
Not because Commissioner Roger Goodell is a patriot. His family history suggests otherwise. Goodell and the team owners he serves are capitalists. Some players kneeling hurt the bottom line.
Self-loathing leftists still don’t get the point of honoring the flag. Whoopi Goldberg insists it’s because some Americans don’t get it draped over their coffins. She may be referring to thugs who rough up convenience store owners, snatch cigars and then try and grab a police officer’s gun. Then she blames the President for riling up anger against the kneelers. News for the old comedian: The President only said what was already on the minds of tens of millions of Americans.
Lastly, the government can’t force you to stand for the song but an employer can make workplace rules. You have the option of declining employment.