Niagara Springs Day Park to Close for Repairs (7/29)
WENDELL, Idaho (KLIX)-A popular day recreation spot in the Magic Valley along the Snake River will be closed for construction for much of early August. The Idaho Department of Fish and Game announced Idaho Power Niagara Springs Creek day park will undergo maintenance and construction beginning July 29, through mid-August; the park is next to the Niagara Springs Steelhead Hatchery. All public access to the day park will be off limits while crews work on erosion issues along the stream bank. Access to the upper part of Niagara Springs Creek will remain closed indefinitely to protect the threatened Bliss Rapid snail that live in that part of the stream. Anglers will have specific access to the creek in other parts. The closure will not impact Niagara Springs State Park. Call the Magic Valley Regional Office at (208) 324-4359 for more information.