No Night Clubs In Twin Falls? No Problem, Go Wash Your Car
Moving to Twin Falls has been an adjustment and a few observations have been made. Mostly it has been little things such as the smells, the local restaurants and lack of other businesses, and different types of people. One thing that was brought to my attention recently was the lack of nightlife. I am not a nightclub kind of guy, so I didn't even notice until someone brought it to my attention.
I did notice some bright flashing lights around town though, and places that look like they would be a ton of fun. At first, these places looked like some kind of arcade or nightlife from a distance, but once you drive by them, you will soon realize they are quite the opposite. What are these neon flashing lights, loud music places? They are car washes of all things. I have never seen a car wash look so fun in my life. I remember when we use to have to do it with the hose for allowance, or we just went through one at the gas station. The ones around Twin Falls, look nothing like either of those options.
I am not one to usually wash my car, but I couldn't help but want to go to one of these places. They look like fun and like a place my kids would enjoy, even if it is just a car wash. I took my family through one, as our car needed to be washed after the drive here. My son enjoyed it. He is typically scared of car washes, but the lights made him enjoy it and want to go through it again.
Most of these car washes are affordable, with monthly rates as well, if you are someone that needs to get a wash soon. Sorry to disappoint but it won't last long and it's not the same as a nightclub, but they do still look cool and much more enjoyable than car washes used to be.