If you've ever tried to search for porn on your apple device, unless it's a laptop or desktop, you've probably noticed how difficult it is to find some damn porn!  Not that I've experienced this.  Anyways, according to FastCompany.com:

Steve Jobs has always firmly vetoed any sort of explicit content.

I get that, all that porno stuff ever does is just give my friend's computer a virus, but Apple devices are known for not experiencing as many of the bugs as their ugly cousin the PC does.  So what's the problem?  Morals?  Then again there is some hope!

Apple has slowly been allowing apps into the App Store that have expanded its more "adult" content--there are any number of apps suggesting sexual positions, and now there are also several "massage" apps that control the iPhone's vibration alert motor to "relieve stress."

And it seems that just in time for Kendra Wolfe's birthday (St. Patty's Day), Hugh Hefner himself has confirmed that Playboy is coming to the iPad via his Twitter account:

@california0409 The IPad Version of Playboy will include the whole magazine from the first issue to the latest, 11:07 PM Jan 18th via Twitterrific in reply to california0409

Then again, Steve Jobs has said this in the past, that if you want porn:

"buy an Android phone"

In conclusion:  Hell if I know?!

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