Recognizing Bad & Selfish Drivers in Twin Falls
First, there are two kinds of bad drivers.
He has a cigarette dangling from his mouth and is doing a version of low-riding with his nose high-in-the-air
One is the young guy who should shave and really can’t grow a full beard. He has a cigarette dangling from his mouth and is doing a version of low-riding with his nose high-in-the-air. He thinks the parking lot at Walmart is a through street and doesn’t want to be bothered by old women with walkers and young women pushing baby carriages.
The second bad driver was born when a Roosevelt was President. These people apparently didn’t have stop-signs when young because they pay no attention to instructions. One nearly rammed my car outside WinCo last week and gave me a dirty look when he ran the sign. Then he drove through the remaining stop-signs and went about his merry way. For now!
I’m reminded of the drivers who roll along against the arrows in parking lots and curse the people following directions. One man I recognized a week later at Pole Line Road and Fillmore Streets. A week after cussing at me when I was following the arrow he nearly hit me when I had a green arrow. “One for one and one for none,” is his motto. He drives a ratty old Chrysler Town & Country. Stay away from the fellow!
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