It was a very close match, but Zero Suit Samus has managed to defeat Princess Zelda, making it her fourth win in a row and earning a spot in the Arcade Sushi Cosplay Hall of Fame! And now it's the dudes' turn, as Ryu and Guile from Super Street Fighter 4: Arcade Edition step up to face off against each other.

MetalSlimer's Ryu is a formidable opponent and is one of the fighting game genre's most celebrated heroes. Will his hadoukens be able to penetrate through Guile's Sonic Booms?

Joe Zuko's Guile has hair that could be suitable for helicopters to use as a landing pad and big, muscle-bulgy arms that create Sonic Booms. Will this patriotic pugilist be able to withstand the might of Japan's finest?

It’s up to you to decide who will win this Cosplay Clash between these two street-fighting titans! Voting closes on Aug. 6 at 10AM PST.

Rules of Cosplay Clash:

Fans can vote once per hour for their favorite cosplayer. If a cosplayer remains the reigning champ for four straight matches, they are retired to the Arcade Sushi Cosplay Hall of Fame. With so many great cosplayers out there, we have to give other cosplayers a chance.

Joe Zuko
Joe Zuko
Joe Zuko
Joe Zuko

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