Bear attacks are rare, and the majority of them occur when a female is defending her cubs. A California jogger was injured this week when he passed a cub in the Sierra Nevada Mountains prompting an aggressive reaction from the mother.

Wildlife officials and police near the small, mountainous community of Long Barn are on the lookout for a female black bear who bit and scratched a man jogging along a highway south of Pinecrest Lake, according to The man was hospitalized with non-life-threatening injuries.

The argument for tranquilizing and relocating bears in these types of situations rather than hunting them down is often made by many. It's a natural response for the mother to defend her cubs when humans encroach on their natural habitat.

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Long Barn is at an elevation of approximately 5,200 and is located 130 miles south of Lake Tahoe. It's a popular summer tourist area with a large bear population. The bear was spotted on multiple property cameras before the attack, according to CBS.

Bear roam these neighborhoods nightly and residents share footage on community camera forums such as Neighbors on the Ring Doorbell app. Fatal bear attacks are extremely uncommon.

It's taught that when encountering a bear with its cubs it's best to remain quiet, slowly back up, and leave the scene, according to information online. Tips for bear safety differ depending on the environment the encounter takes place. Bear sirens and spray are common items hikers and campers pack in the backcountry to deter the animals.

The argument for tranquilizing and relocating bears in these types of situations rather than hunting them down is often made by many. It's a natural response for the mother to defend her cubs when humans encroach on their natural habitat.

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