To most of us, summer means driving through school zones is no longer an issue in the Magic Valley, but before you get too excited that may not be the case.
What would you do? What would you do if you are driving down the road in Idaho and see lights behind you, that belong to a car that isn't marked as a police officer?
What would you do? What would you do if you are running late and you find yourself rushing until you realize you have a police officer in front of you?
This last week, I took a ride with an officer for a night. Here are some of the observations I made, and why being a police officer in Twin Falls is far from boring.
“Where you off to in such a hurry there, Mario Andretti?”
Wouldn’t you just love it if that was what police would have said to the driver of a sports car that was pulled over for speeding, and that’s exactly who was in fact behind the wheel?
Well, it was actually the Indy car racing legend that police checked out this week, but he wasn’t speeding, and he wasn’t actually pulled over either.
Although the left lane is clearly for speeders, you can’t really blame a left-lane motorist for obeying the law when they have a cop right on their tail.
But as we discovered in this hilarious new video, even the police would prefer it if you maintain a heavy foot while traversing the fast lane.