Twin Falls Halloween Spirit Store Open And Hiring For Season
For those that like to plan several weeks ahead of time for Halloween decorations and costume ideas, the management of the Halloween Spirit store have once again set up shop and are looking for part-time help.
As I was driving home from a recent trip to Yellowstone National Park on Sunday, I pulled into a service station near Ashton and saw that all too familiar orange and yellow sign hung on a rented space across the street. Both my wife and I pointed and shouted "Spirit Store" in unison.
My family are enormous fans of Halloween. We probably put out more decorations that time of year than any, and we always start early. Typically, a passerby will see our makeshift cemetery in our front yard as early as mid-September. My wife spends weeks making her own decorations in our shop leading up to the holiday.
I drove over to the Magic Valley Mall on Tuesday to see if the Spirit Store in Twin Falls had any signage up. Not only did they, but they are open and hiring for seasonal help. They have opened again in the old Shopko location, at 1649 Pole Line Road East.
The store hours are 11 AM to 7 PM, Monday through Saturday, and Sundays noon to 6 PM. A sign on the entrance reminds customers to practice social-distancing. The store also has sanitizer and masks available, both for COVID-19 defense and scary ones.
I will again be dropping a lot of cash at the store in the coming weeks. Bring on Halloween!
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