Leave it to us Idaho people to come up with the most unique ways to experience last week's total solar eclipse. While many dealt with the crowds in Rexburg, Idaho Falls and Weiser, some brave souls climbed Mount Borah. This guy decided that he would watch the eclipse while flying.

I don't know the guy's name, but his YouTube channel is TheJezebel3000. He went to Horseshoe Bend Flight Park in Idaho to go paragliding. If you've never been there, it's just north of Nampa.

Google Maps
Google Maps

He couldn't have timed his flight any better since he was in the air during the exact moment of totality. Thankfully, he captured that moment in this amazing video.

Oh, and he wasn't alone. Check out how many Idahoans chose to experience this historic event from the skies.

Since I have a fear of heights, the possibility of me paragliding is pretty low anyway, but I would have been especially chicken to try this during the eclipse. In the video, you'll notice a couple of minutes where it's kind of hard to tell where the ground is at. Ouch.

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