What Does The 116th Family Readiness Group Do?
Unless you have family in the military, you might not know what the 116th Family Readiness Group does. Luckily, Beverly from the 116th FRG came into the studio to explain.
Here is my interview with Beverly from the 116th FRG:
Think of the FRG like your favorite aunt. She's the person in your life, who can take over that parental role in your life while your parents are away. She's the person who you can trust to yes, have fun with, but when it's time to get serious, she can step in and put on her serious pants and get things done and spread her wings and protect you. Makes sense?
Our military families need that support more than ever.
Beverly mentioned that the FRG is looking for volunteer and their organization is completely funded by donations. So PLEASE come out to this Saturday's Polyester Party because a portion of the proceeds will be going to both the 116th Family Readiness Group AND the Idaho Military Youth which is a statewide program that stages activities for kids of deployed parents.
If you'd like to contact the FRG or volunteer, please contact:
Due to security concerns, Soldiers and family members wishing to get in touch with the FRG need to contact the commander, CPT Kaminsky (208-272-8629), who will forward the contact information to the FRG.
I'll see you at the Polyester Party THIS Saturday night...and I'm bringing my old ball and chain...Hope to see you there.
VIA IdahoArmyGuard.org & Facebook
PS. This is a picture (above) of my favorite aunt and her son (my cousin) who served two tours in Afghanistan as an Army MP. Thank you Danny for your service! And thank you Aunt Sissy for always being there for me.