2020 Perseid Meteor Shower Happening Now, Peaks Soon
There always seems to be something cool happening in our nights sky. We have epic full moons, one of which just happened on Sunday. The NEOWISE ice comet was a spectacular sight for many and for those in well lit cities it was kind of a disappointment. Seeing the SpaceX satellites as they flew across the sky to their designated point in the sky was a pretty interesting sight. The latest event worthy of your gaze is the Perseid Meteor Shower. This meteor shower happens yearly and on peak nights you could see up to 200 shooting stars under the right conditions.

The Perseid this year will peak on August 12th at 4am, according to NASA. Along with the meteor shower, a number of planets will be visible near the moon throughout the month. Jupiter, Venus, and Mars will all be seen hugging the moon in August at different times. You can check out the NASA video below to see which planet will be visible and when.
The last few days have been pretty historic for NASA as astronauts Robert Behnken and Douglas Hurley returned to Earth inside the SpaceX Dragon Endeavour after spending 64 days in orbit. The Dragon will continue to be used for future trips to bring astronauts to and from the International Space Station.
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