Are Parents Really Burning Their Bad Kids’ Christmas Presents
NEWSFLASH - Not all kids are perfect. In fact, none of them are. So, how do you decide when to just threaten naughty kids with coal in their stocking and actually following through with the threat?
wrap a few fake presents each year and when your kids are naughty you take one of those fake presents and burn it in the fireplace!
Last year my sister got a sweet gift for her son who is usually a great kid, but something snapped in him the few weeks before Christmas and he was super naughty and disrespectful. So she actually kept the gift for a few months and made him earn it by being good.
My kids are punks sometimes, other times they are amazing, but most of the time they are just kids being kids. I've never got to the point where I had to threaten a Christmas without presents. If I do get to that point though, I think I know how I'll really handle it thanks to a post on Facebook.
The post basically says you wrap a few fake presents each year and when your kids are naughty you take one of those fake presents and burn it in the fireplace! I know that is pretty extreme - but I love it! I may be a bad person and I'll get coal for it but I see a lot of comedy in that type of a prank.
Is that going too far or is coal in the stocking enough? Or on the flip side, does it matter how bad your kids are and they deserve Christmas gifts no matter what?
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