Are You Interested In A Tattoo Or Piercing But Too Intimidated To Do It?
A lot of people have tattoos or piercings these days. Even more would like to have one, but are too intimidated to get it done. Have you ever thought about getting some ink, but couldn't make yourself pull the trigger?
The bottom line is get educated if you're thinking about a tattoo or piercing
The best thing you can do is educate yourself. A tattoo is a serious commitment and you want to make sure A) you're sure what you want and B) you've done your homework.
Cosmopolitan has a great read about tattoos with some sage advice. For example, they recommend checking Instagram for ideas instead of Google or Pinterest. You're more likely to find original stuff there.
Another gem from them talks about how key good communication is between you and the artist you've chosen.
When it comes to piercings, understand the different methods and your own pain threshold. Rod Kinney from Warm Art in Twin Falls told us that he uses the Free Hand method instead of clamps, which tends to be a less painful way of doing it.
The bottom line is get educated if you're thinking about a tattoo or piercing. It's not for everyone, but can be really meaningful (and beautiful) when done right.