Check Out Drone Footage Of Base Jumps From The Perrine Bridge (VIDEO)
This is what happens when you combine a bunch of Seattle people and Canadians plus drones and base jumping at the Perrine Bridge. You get big bunches of video awesome. Oh, and did I mention that they also jumped at night? Yes, indeed they did.
Here's their own description of what took place New Year's day.
On January 1 2016, three of us set off from Seattle for Twin Falls Idaho. One of us was to jump off the Perrine Bridge(which, for those of you who don't know, is free & legal to jump 24/7/365) and two were to film, using a Phantom 3 Professional drone.
After one jump, we met up with a group of jumpers from Canada. We had all driven a total of approximately 26 hours to be there. Three more jumps were had that day, each one successful, each colder than the previous one. Finally, we ended the day with a night jump.
This is what we did, and it is yours to enjoy.
Let me state the obvious. Base jumping is dangerous. If you do it, you could end up like Wile E Coyote and have a not so pleasant landing at the bottom of the canyon. So, if you're gonna do it, do it as safely as possible and know you do it at your own risk.
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