Check Out These 5 Weird Evel Knievel Items On Ebay
If you live in Twin Falls, you either love Evel Knievel or you hate him. If you were around Twin when he attempted the Snake River Canyon jump, you probably tired of hearing his name. However, it's hard not to laugh at some of the weird Evel Knievel stuff you can currently find on Ebay. Here are a few of my favorites.
Too bad this account isn't active anymore. Otherwise, we could have a real party outfitting our Twin Falls homes courtesy of Evel's bank account.
Only Evel Knievel could have a funeral where marketing was being done. Surprisingly, this does not come with a free Evel Knievel Stunt Cycle and doll.
Yes, this is a bit morbid. CT scans from Evel Knievel dated the year of his death in 2007. Surprised this one doesn't also include part of his ruptured spleen.
Nothing quite says "I'm a daredevil" quite like a golf shirt with a bunch of leaves on it. Only Evel Knievel could make this look cool. Or, maybe he couldn't.
One of Evel's business ventures after his jumping days included making hot sauce. You have to figure this stuff could take the paint off your car after all these years. Please note the dog that was included in the pictures does not come with the hot sauce.