Does Anyone Know What This Weird Stuff Is Budding In Twin Falls?
Over the weekend I noticed a strange cluster of mutant-looking, budding plant or fungus, growing on the sidewalk near my home. It looks like clusters full of small potatoes protruding from the Earth.
For many of you, this might be a similar sight. No one I work with had a concrete answer for what this strange looking cluster is, although one admitted to having seen it outside the Twin Falls area. It sure is unsightly, and my wife can't stand the sight of it.
I thought about removing it myself, and then decided I'd put it out there for anyone who might be able to tell us about it. Is it native to the area? Is it poisonous? It's the only of its kind in the neighborhood I live in.
I can honestly say I've never seen this before. It's growing just off our neighborhood sidewalk for all to see as they walk past. It certainly doesn't look like any flower I've seen, and has created a rather good-sized crater in the dirt.
If I had to guess, I'd say it began sprouting less than two weeks ago, as I park near the spot and don't recall seeing it until recently. Does anyone know what this is?
I thought about contacting the College of Southern Idaho about it, but with the current stay-at-home order still in effect, I figured my inquiry would go unanswered for another week or so.
If you've seen this growing, and know what it is, I'd appreciate your feedback.