Drowning Pool Responds To AZ Gunman Association
Drowning Pool is putting the word out that they have NO association with Arizona gunman Jared Lee Loughner. Loughner had DP’s song “Bodies” as a favorite on his YouTube channel. The media has gone overboard with this information. Especially the Washington Post. The band was not happy with how they were portrayed in a recent article and has issued this statement:
“Instead of telling the whole story, the writer decided to edit what we had to say in order to make it seem like we were somehow responsible for what happened last weekend”.
According to the band some really important facts were not included in the newspaper piece. Including how Drowning Pool has always been a supporter of the US military. They add:
“If you want to let readers form their own opinions of who we are and what we support, include all the info! We find it inappropriate to imply that our song or rock music in general is to blame for this tragic event…listening to Drowning Pool does not make you a bad person. Misleading people does”.
As far as the song “Bodies” and it’s association to Jared Lee Loughner the band had this to say:
“”Bodies” was written about the brotherhood of the mosh pit and the respect people have for each other in the pit. If you push others down, you have to pick them back up. It was never about violence”.
People are so ridiculous. Songs do not make people do crazy things. Crazy people make themselves do crazy things. Why the media always looks for someone or something to blame is beyond me. BLAME THE IDIOT THAT DID IT!
Drowning Pool goes on to say:
“For someone to put out a video misinterpreting a song about a mosh pit as fuel for a violent act shows just how sick they really are. We support those who do what they can to keep America safe. Our hearts go out to the victims and their families of this terrible tragedy”
I was lucky enough to have a few of the guys in studio with me last time they played at the Machine Shop. Nothing but a class act. Super cool and super funny. They don’t deserve this crap.