What Would You Do? No Internet For a Day in Idaho
What would you do? What would you do if you had a full day or night with no internet and couldn't watch your streaming services, do work, or check things on the computer? How would you function? What would you do with your free time? How much would not having the internet ruin your routine and plans for the day or night? It is incredible how much we are reliant on the internet these days. Would you stay at work or leave? What would you do at home? Does the time of year matter? If you had a whole day without the internet, what would you do?
Internet Down in Idaho
Last week many residents in the Magic Valley and across the entire Gem State suffered as their internet went down and they were unable to function properly. Panic ensued and despite what many thought, the state is still standing. It did make many realize how reliant we are on the internet though, as many were unable to do their jobs, unable to watch their favorite streaming services, and unable to connect and play video games with their friends around the world. Adjustments had to be made until it was back up and running, but what do you do when the internet goes down and work can't be done, shows can't be watched, and games have to be played the traditional way?
How to Spend Time Without the Internet
With data, there are still ways to access streaming services on your phones or iPads, but say those are taken away, what other options are available? If you are someone that still has normal tv, you could start channel surfing and enjoy what is on that day or night. You can always pop in a DVD or Blu-Ray and enjoy a movie night. Instead of doing work from home, you could go do some yard work or do things around the house that you have been putting off for weeks or months. For games, you can play against others in the house or play single-player games like many of us grew up doing. Perhaps you go to the gym or for a walk, depending on the weather. There are tons of options, yet many of us act like there is nothing to do, simply because the internet is down.
Anytime the electricity, the internet, or water goes out, it throws off a person's day and plans, and finding an alternative isn't fun. There are tons of options on how to spend your time, but none of them beat what you want to do. Hopefully, the internet won't be going out again anytime soon, but it inevitably will happen again in the future. The next time it goes out, what would you do?