The Snake DJ's have a few horrific regifting stories of their own.  Share yours, and you're automatically entered to win $20 of Idaho Lottery tickets... score!


My now mother in-law gave me this horrific bronze horse statue.  Ugly as sin and strangely heavy.  So I gave it away at our radio station's Christmas party during our secret Santa exchange.  Come to find out my mother in law wanted me to keep this gift so we could keep giving the horse back and forth to our family as a running joke.  I ruined Christmas.  No one told me and I got rid of it ASAP.




One time I gave someone Back in Black by AC/DC... we'll call him "John"...  so I knew John didn't like 80s rock... pretty sure if anything would convert him, this would.  Saw a mutual friend of ours a few days later.  Driving in their car, they put in a CD in their CD player, and it was Back in Black.  I asked em where they got it.  They said, "It was so thoughtful, you know John?  He's never gotten me a present before, but this was pretty cool of him."




Have you ever gotten a generic holiday gift like a snowglobe?  Then next year gave it back to the person who gave it to you in the first place because you forgot they gave it to you?  Yeah... uh.... me neither........






At our staff meeting every year, I always give goofy prizes – with a $10 limit, why not have some fun?  2 years ago, I gave a fish tank.  My boss got it and gave it to my other boss. It sat in her office the whole year.  My husband got it back at the Christmas party last year.  I'm bringing it again this year.  It has now become the gift everyone hates.  I will get rid of it this year, I swear.  I’m going to disguise it.  No one will know!

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