
7 Sure Signs You Are Getting Old in Idaho
7 Sure Signs You Are Getting Old in Idaho
7 Sure Signs You Are Getting Old in Idaho
There are a few signs that your prime has passed you by and you are beginning to decline and start feeling old. Here are a few signs you may be getting there.
What Annoys You Most About Facebook?
What Annoys You Most About Facebook?
What Annoys You Most About Facebook?
Most of us gather a lot of information from Facebook. We see who won the Golden Globes, if anyone won Powerball, and what Birthday parties and other celebrations our friends had over the weekend. Even though Facebook keeps us in touch with entertainment, friends and families we are ALL are annoyed by Facebook at times...
What’s the Rudest Thing Your Coworkers Do?
What’s the Rudest Thing Your Coworkers Do?
What’s the Rudest Thing Your Coworkers Do?
We may love our co-workers or they may drive you crazy because you spend more time with them than anyone else.There's not a single person in the world whose co-workers are polite and considerate 100% of the time. So, if you had to narrow it down to the rudest thing that your co-workers do, what would it be.
Most Annoying Christmas Song?
Most Annoying Christmas Song?
Most Annoying Christmas Song?
I love Christmas music! But that doesn't mean I love all Christmas music. For every good O Holy Night there is an equally horrible version...same goes for almost every song out there. But - which song takes the cake? What is the most annoying Christmas song?
Are You Annoying? Take This Test and Find Out.
Are You Annoying? Take This Test and Find Out.
Are You Annoying? Take This Test and Find Out.
Believe it or not, some people might find you annoying.  I know.  They’re idiots.  But still. A personality psychologist named Robert Hogan put together a 20-question quiz to figure out just how annoying you actually are.  It gauges you on the three big areas of annoyingness:  Whether you’re picky, arrogant, or irritating...
Heavy Sleeper [POLL]
Heavy Sleeper [POLL]
Heavy Sleeper [POLL]
I'm NOT a morning person, never have been and if I have to get into the office before 9AM life sucks for me. So this morning was one of my early mornings.  I woke up at 5AM for a 7AM meeting. I know I know, I'm a baby, I'm a lazy ass...