
The Real Names Of Your Favorite Celebrities
The Real Names Of Your Favorite Celebrities
The Real Names Of Your Favorite Celebrities
This may come as a surprise to you - but sometimes celebrities don't use their real names. But I would never do that to you - my real name is Nate Bird. There is a pretty long list of stars in Hollywood though who have fooled us for years. Here are the real names of your favorite celebrities.
Seven Celebrities Who Cheated on Their Taxes
Seven Celebrities Who Cheated on Their Taxes
Seven Celebrities Who Cheated on Their Taxes
Given the lack of impulse control and sense of entitlement among the celebrity set (we’re looking at you, Charlie Sheen), it should be no surprise that the famous and the powerful are among the worst tax cheats out there. Here are seven celebrities who didn’t pay the tax man, and ended up paying the price: