
Wanna Play Human Mattress Dominoes? [VIDEO]
Wanna Play Human Mattress Dominoes? [VIDEO]
Wanna Play Human Mattress Dominoes? [VIDEO]
I know, human mattress dominoes sounds like a dirty game right? But it's not. Actually if you watch the video, you will notice all the fat people. Hey, I'm NOT skinny, but there's a lot of fat people in this video out of Florida. Oh that's why...
How Eating Domino’s Pizza Every Day Could Save Your Life [VIDEO]
How Eating Domino’s Pizza Every Day Could Save Your Life [VIDEO]
How Eating Domino’s Pizza Every Day Could Save Your Life [VIDEO]
Besides the fact that pizza is delicious, did you know it can also save lives? At least in the case of 82-year-old Jean Wilson who calls Dominos every day at 10 a.m. to order a large pepperoni pie and two Diet Cokes. When her order didn’t come through for several days in a row, delivery driver Susan Guy became concerned and went to check on Wilson, calling 911 when she received no response... Re