
Senior Prank Goes Viral [NSFW]
Senior Prank Goes Viral [NSFW]
Senior Prank Goes Viral [NSFW]
A letter was sent out to parents stating the school is conducting mandatory va---- inspections.  Below is the uncensored letter.   So tell me *snicker* what do YOU *chuckle* think of this *chortle* hoo-ha prank?  BAHAHAHA Here's the full letter that was sent out to parents around the community in Minnesota...
What is the Worst April Fools Joke?
What is the Worst April Fools Joke?
What is the Worst April Fools Joke?
The KEZJ Radio Ranch has seen a lot of April Fool's pranks over the years. I've almost called in sick on April Fool's Day because I live in fear each year!
April Fool's Day Help
April Fool's Day Help
April Fool's Day Help
I think a lot of the time I focus on pranking my co-workers and my wife. But I don't see any reason to leave the rest of the family out! Here are the 5 best April Fool's Day pranks to pull on kids.
Easy April Fool’s Day Pranks
Easy April Fool’s Day Pranks
Easy April Fool’s Day Pranks
Oh boy! April Fool's Day is finally here. To help you out if you have procrastinated your prank planning we have a list of easy April Fool's Day pranks you can pull at home or at work.
April Fools at Work?
April Fools at Work?
April Fools at Work?
I HATE April Fools.  Nate Bird, from our sister station KOOL 96.5 is the April Fool's King and I loathe him on this day.  No loathe is too weak of a word.  I hate this man on April 1st and I wish for his death.  Yes, that bad.
Watch Walking On Water Prank
Watch Walking On Water Prank
Watch Walking On Water Prank
I love this stuff.  Youtube magician Rahat pulls a prank where he walks on water and scares the snot out of a few onlookers.  We need someone to do this in Twin Falls!!

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