What would you do if you were forced to choose between missing work and being at your child's sporting event, play, or musical, or missing out on that moment?
Most of feel like we don't get enough time with our families but I would hope that we get more than one hour of quality time without families. Although, when I think about everything that happens during the week: work, school, school activities, sports, homework etc...
The first few weeks of school can be rough. The days are long, your kids don't want to go to bed before 9pm, and you don't want to wake them up at 6:30am. This begs the question: Is it just hard for the kids to wake up for the first few weeks, or does school start too early?
The modern parents are juggling a lot of things. Most parents both work. Most kids are involved in some sort of extra curricular activity, or have 3 hours of homework.
With the 4th of July happening this week there has been a pretty consistent explosion sound every night between 9 and midnight. Apparently my neighbors are rich and have money to blow (literally) every day! So this week has been a week where every day I feel like I need a nap and I could go for a few extra hours each day to get everything done and sleep enough...but then that would just be more ho
It's officially been one week since I've been engaged and yes I'm still finding ways to show off my bling and I still find myself staring at it while driving...I mean...whoops. But it's ONLY BEEN ONE WEEK and the questions have already started rolling in! And after the jump, I have a question for you that will earn you Snake VIP Points.