Winter is one of the best times of the year to get out and play in McCall, Donnelly and Cascade! When you're done with your adventure, wouldn't it be nice to have a nice, cozy place to come back to enjoy some hot cocoa in?
With a large population doing some sort of traveling for Christmas I wanted to pass along some tips to hopefully save you some money if you are going to be traveling this year.
There was one year I remember driving from my house in Seattle to my mom's about 40 miles north on Thanksgiving Day, and it took me nearly three hours to get there.
Travel and Leisure obviously has its act together. It has just declared that Boise is one of the best college football towns in America. Tell us something we don't know.
Travel and Leisure readers were asked to name the rudest cities in America. They did and one is not far from the Magic Valley. Hazard a guess at which city received this dubious honor?