TFSD introduces breakfast to their Summer Meal Program, alongside lunch and snacks. Find out where children in Twin Falls can access these nutritious meals.
There are a lot of schools around the Magic Valley and a variety of start dates for the school year. But, by the end of August, everyone will be back in class.
The event is a fun way to celebrate public education in Twin Falls. Members of the community are invited whether they are in the school district or not.
As a result of the situation on Wednesday, many schools were placed on lockdown and that brought up the question of what a soft lockdown is vs a hard lockdown.
It seems like nowadays school cooks are stepping up their game big time to attempt to attract students back to the lunchroom for healthier options. Maybe some of these popular, fancy-pants reality cooking shows are rubbing off on our school chefs.
Eventually children will be able to play on an handicap accessible playground at Sawtooth Elementary in Twin Falls thanks to the observation of some students that a couple students in wheelchairs couldn't use the current playground.