It's great to see that Team Fortress 2's fanbase is still going strong and creating new content for it. The latest is a short film called 'End of the Line', which is fantastic.

You can see the new, train-centric short film above, created by a team of 12 community members and headed by James McVinnie, who worked as cinematic director on Mass Effect and Dragon Age: Origins at BioWare.

The film is described as an "action packed cinematic romp full of comedy action, romance action*, drama action, and actioney-type action." That sounds right up our alley and is par for the course of a Team Fortress 2 short.

Accompanying the film is an update that features more gear and more hats, which is pretty much what every self-respecting Team Fortress 2 player looks forward to with each update. There's the new Warm-N-Comfy Winter Gear that's created by the community, the Pool Party kiddie pool for the Pyro, the Crossing Guard railroad sign that acts as a weapon and a handful of rare items. On top of that, you can pick up a sweet t-shirt and movie poster inspired by 'End of the Line' and makes for a great present for your favorite Team Fortress 2 fan.

Watch the film above and jump into the game for the new merch now.

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