The Politically Correct Come for Rudolph and His Red Nose
I’ve watched Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer at least 50 times. The 1964 version premiered when I was a two-year-old. During some of my adult years I missed the show but I had a daughter and a VCR. She would pop in the tape in July and she couldn’t get enough of the special. She enjoyed it as much as I did when I was a little boy.
She implies Hermey is a homosexual and taunted by his supervisor. Funny, I don’t recall any of this in my dozens of viewings.
During grade school the yearly airing was an event of mammoth proportions. Our teachers would send us home with a TV schedule for the Christmas season. It would be posted on the refrigerator door. Only Charlie Brown rivaled the reindeer. It seems Charlie retains a popularity with most people despite its strong Christian message. You would think the left would find a perfect line of attack when it comes to faith.
Rudolph is now under assault from a writer at the Atlantic. You can read her piece by clicking on this link.
The woman claims she was traumatized by the reindeer story when she was young. She describes the Bumble’s attack on Rudolph as an act of attempted murder. Then she rambles on about an elf with dreams of being a dentist. She implies Hermey is a homosexual and taunted by his supervisor. Funny, I don’t recall any of this in my dozens of viewings. She even says the supervisor will pay a heavy price for bullying at the revolution (and she’s deploring violence?) The writer calls the work of the elves forced labor.
Some miserable snowflakes aren’t happy unless they’re reading between the lines and making up words. Here’s a thought; if you don’t like the show, change the channel.
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