With camping season now in full swing, many Idahoans are preparing to head to the mountains for some mental and physical recharging time. An Idaho-designed trailer has the distinction of being the world's smallest teardrop trailer and it's pretty badass.

Summer is just a few days away. We are planning to take our travel trailer out for its first voyage of 2024 in the next couple of weeks. In 2021, my wife and I bought a 20-foot trailer and thus turned a page in a new camping chapter of our lives together. It might be the single best purchase of my life.

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Such a trailer is perfect for someone who likes to travel light and isn't concerned with all the bells and whistles of most present-day models.

Teardrops are small trailers that usually measure about 10 feet in length. I recently stumbled upon a Facebook video that introduced me to the Idaho Bedroll Trailer which was designed years ago and measures less than half that length. It can be pulled by a motorcycle, car, or truck.

There are a great deal of comments from people on the page praising its design. It might look too small to some to actually be considered useful, but it does feature a cooking platform, storage, and a sleeping area that extends outward in a very clever and simple motion.

Maybe some of you have already seen this design, but I didn't know such a trailer existed until this week. Such a trailer is perfect for someone who likes to travel light and isn't concerned with all the bells and whistles of most present-day models.

Check Out The Amazing Airbnb UFO Guadalupe

There are a lot of ways to build a house and this might be one of the most unique ways to do it. UFO Guadalupe is in Baja California, Mexico and rents for about $305 per night. The booking calendar looks pretty open too, so if you are making plans months out or coming up soon, you should be OK getting your dates.

Gallery Credit: N8

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