Twin Falls Citizens Reminded of Curbside Bagged Leaf Pick Up
Twin Falls citizens can place up to eight bags of leaves and yard debris on the curbside for pickup at no cost.
The city of Twin Falls has reminded residents of the no cost option for curbside pickup of bagged leaves, grass clippings, and other yard debris that is associated with the fall cleanup season. The leaves must be placed in bags before they are pickup by the garbage truck and placed next to garbage bins during regular trash days.
People are not allowed to put metal, plastics, masonry, or other trash in bags with yard debris. The city continues to not accept leaves at the Maxwell Avenue location, it ended the drop-off in 2015. Also, if you have branches or shrubbery to throw out as well they need to be cut down to size of three feet of less, if not cut down to the correct size they might be left behind.