Two Of The Best Swimming Holes In Idaho Are Here In The Magic Valley
Summer isn't over yet. We have almost a month to get all of the summer craziness out of our system before Fall officially starts on September 22. That's one reason we're extremely psyched that 2 of our Magic Valley swimming holes have been declared among the top 10 in all of Idaho.
Only In Your State has named what they refer to as 10 perfect swimming holes in Idaho. Wanna hazard a guess at which 2 of ours made the list?
Give yourself a cookie if you said Dierkes Lake and Box Canyon. The crystal clear water of Hagerman and the high dives of Dierkes are among the reasons why they are go-to places when it comes to fun out-of-the-way swimming hole experiences.
Seeing this list has made me add a new destination to my "gotta go there ASAP" note to myself. #1 is Hunt Lake in northern Idaho near Sandpoint. That mountain view combined with that water makes me want to gas up the Holliday family truckster and go for a trip.
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