Greater Idaho Needs to Include Central Canada

Perhaps we need to put out the welcome mat beyond eastern Oregon. Maybe Idaho needs to welcome eastern British Columbia and Canada’s Prairie Provinces. The federal government to our north is beginning the gun confiscation process. This follows a mass shooting two years ago that occurred in a liberal east coast province. The culture wars work much the same north of the border. Coastal elites and the cities of the Great Lakes believe every other region of the country must bow to the liberal will.
Meanwhile, in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta, they think like those of us south of the border in flyover country. If you click on this link, you’ll see there are provincial leaders who don’t plan to cooperate with the gun grab. This could get ugly, however. The country’s Prime Minister testified last week that he was very pleased with his own response to last winter’s truck driving protest. His government is conducting a probe into his conduct and will issue a report soon that exonerates Justin Trudeau.
The man is taking Canada quickly if not quietly down the path to totalitarianism. The United States almost entered World War Three 60 years ago over a small communist nation 90 miles from Florida. How are we going to tolerate a Marxist presence with a shared border thousands of miles long? Currently, an undefended border. With our current regime in Washington, we won’t hear a negative word. American liberals admire Trudeau and seek to emulate him in their own efforts to silence dissent. Any dissent against their self-righteous beliefs is labeled a threat to “democracy”.
Oppression isn’t going to work. I would suggest that when the inevitable split happens that we then arm the central provinces to our north and welcome them into a new North American union. Then Washington and Ottawa can learn to feed themselves.
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