Idaho Ski-Free Passports
The time is now! Get your Idaho ski-free passport. Be aware that the Idaho ski-passport is free for 5th and 6th graders with the exception of a $15 processing fee.
The ski-passport offers 3 free ski days at 18 different Idaho ski resorts. The following ski resorts are participating:
- Bald Mountain
- Bogus Basin*
- Brundage Mountain
- Cottonwood Butte
- Grand Targhee
- Kelly Canyon
- Little Ski Hill
- Lookout Pass
- Lost Trail
- Magic Mountain
- Pebble Creek
- Pomerelle*
- Schweitzer
- Silver Mountain
- Snowhaven
- Soldier Mountain
- Sun Valley**
- Tamarack
*5th Grade Only
**Additional $20 with passport at Sun Valley's Bald Mountain
For more information and to apply for a ski-passport go to Ski Idaho's website.