In A World Of Change Idaho’s Favorite Valentine’s Day Candy Is A Constant
I have written a lot over the last few days about the Super Bowl which is crazy because I'm not even interested in the game. I'll actually be driving from Utah when it's on. I'm only sad about that because I'll be missing out on the excessive Super Bowl food options. See, I may not care about football but I do care about junk food. Whenever I get the chance, I write about the different candy options that pop up around the holidays. With Valentine's Day coming up next, it is time to see what Idaho's favorite candy is on the day of love.
A lot of things, including opinions, laws, and other things we thought to be constant may have changed over the years. But, our favorite Valentine's Day candy is a solid constant in the world of change. Thanks to info from Candy Store, we know that for another year it goes unchanged and we chose M&M's over all the other candy choices. I like M&M's because they are fun to eat if you are OCD about your candy.
Our second choice favorite is the conversation hearts which are having real issues on the 'conversation' part this year. The majority of the new SweetHearts are blank due to a printer issue. In third place, for the third year in a row, we chose Hershey's Kisses.