Is Rainbow Fentanyl Truly a Threat to Young Idaho Kids on Halloween?
Depending on where you live, there are warnings about candy-colored fentanyl appearing in your kid's Halloween bucket. The drug is deadly, and just a few specks of it could kill a child. What should you know in advance? Here's a link from the conservative Daily Signal that should serve as a guide. Meanwhile, some law enforcers warn fentanyl is a legitimate holiday threat, while others in the mainstream news media claim the threat is overblown.
I had a conversation with Twin Falls County Prosecuting Attorney Grant Loebs about the fentanyl threat. He said it would take a “truly evil” person to pass out the poison to neighborhood kids. He added that it’s not likely because of the value of fentanyl in selling the drug. In other words, a dealer isn’t likely to give it away to anybody when there’s money to be made.
Fentanyl is now the nation’s number one killer of younger to almost middle-aged adults. The greater threat to our kids would be a family member who would instead purchase rainbow pills and then inadvertently leave them out on a table or counter.
The Prosecutor recommends parents inspect candy packaging. If it doesn’t look like a familiar label, then set it aside.
There are numerous safe alternatives for trick or treating. Many churches offer trunk or treating, and it would be a true shame to get drug candy from a church event.

LOOK: How Halloween has changed in the past 100 years
Gallery Credit: Brit McGinnis
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