It’s Possible That In-N-Out Burger is Headed Toward Idaho
I want to be clear from the start that this is pure speculation. There have been no official announcements. No one has bought land (that I'm aware of) to make this happen. But, there are indications that In-N-Out Burger could be headed toward Idaho.
The food nazis that are always complaining we have too many burger places won't get it. If that's you, sorry if I've offended you, but I'm really not.
Try to follow me on this one. In-N-Out Burger started as a California thing. But, they've been slowly expanding. The most recent In-N-Out location that is opening soon is in Oregon. But, look at this map from the Wikipedia page that shows all of the counties that now have In-N-Out Burger. You'll notice that the expansions have nearly reached Idaho.
The yellow parts of the map that show In-N-Out started in California, then to Nevada and Utah and now Oregon. If this were a flu bug spreading (sorry for the visual), Idaho would be next.
Why the fuss? The food nazis that are always complaining we have too many burger places won't get it. If that's you, sorry if I've offended you, but I'm really not. Go away. In-N-Out has a legendary following for a reason. Their burgers rock and give a whole new meaning to "animal style" and no, I don't mean that in a bad way. In-N-Out fan pages are all over the Internet.
Will Idaho be the next landing place for this franchise? I have no clue. But, don't be surprised if I spend a lot of time on their In-N-Out locations page and keep entering our zip codes. Eventually, I might be right.
UPDATE! Now, The Idaho Statesman has In-N-Out SPECIFICALLY talking about coming to Idaho!