Twin Falls Implements New Restrictions for Trucks at Pole Line and Bridgeview Intersection

Semi-truck drivers traveling west on Pole Line Road, take note: the City of Twin Falls has installed new signage prohibiting semi-trucks from making a right-hand turn onto Bridgeview Boulevard. The decision, announced this week, comes in response to recurring property and infrastructure damage caused by large vehicles navigating the tight turn.

City officials say the restriction is designed to improve safety and prevent further incidents at the intersection. While trucks are still allowed access to Bridgeview Boulevard, they will need to find alternate routes to enter the road.

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Why the Change?

According to the City, the intersection’s configuration makes it difficult for semi-trucks pulling trailers to make the turn without striking curbs or adjacent property. The new signs were recently installed, and law enforcement will focus on educating violators during the adjustment period.

Some drivers have raised questions about how the restriction applies. The City clarified that it’s a blanket restriction for all semi-trucks pulling trailers. However, construction and delivery vehicles can still access businesses along Bridgeview Boulevard. The restriction is only meant to prohibit trucks from turning north onto Bridgeview from the westbound lane on Pole Line.

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Local Reactions

The change has sparked mixed reactions on social media.

  • One commenter welcomed the decision, noting that they’ve seen “gooseneck trailers eat the curb” when trying to make the turn.
  • Another user called for a broader restriction, saying, “Through truck traffic shouldn’t be able to use Bridgeview... PERIOD.”
  • Some have pointed out additional issues at the intersection, like the lack of a fully developed right-turn lane on Pole Line Road. One commenter suggested that extending the turn lane and improving curb and gutter infrastructure would help alleviate congestion and safety concerns.

What’s Next?

The City has not indicated whether further infrastructure changes are planned for the intersection. However, the discussion has sparked broader concerns about traffic flow and urban planning in the area, particularly with new developments, like the hotel under construction at the northeast corner of the intersection.

For now, truck drivers should plan alternate routes to access Bridgeview Boulevard while the City monitors the impact of the new restriction.

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