Each week during Repeat It Or Delete It Season Three, I’m featuring local/regional bands/musicians.

Please meet James Hess originally from Alaska, now residing here in the Magic Valley.

James Hess is only 17 year-old.  His ReverbNation profile explains:

I'm a teenage guitar player living in Twin Falls, ID and an aspiring musician. I generally play a 7-String Ibanez, though I find jamming out on acoustic to be quite fun at times. I range from quiet ballads to heavy metal solos genre-wise, but I tend to lean more toward the heavier genres.

James rocks some magnificent facial hair that any 17 year-old man would envy and he's a very dedicated musician.  Here, please let Mr. Hess explain his love of music in his own words.

Here is my interview with James Hess:

Here is James Hess' song " The Everchanging":

What’s that? You want more from James Hess? You can get it during Week Fifteen of Repeat It Or Delete It when they take on The Barking Owls on Wednesday, October 24th at 7PM (following the BSU Coach's Show at 6PM) and Saturday, October 27th at 6PM (following the BSU Football Game).

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