
How Do You Survive a Road Trip With Kids?
How Do You Survive a Road Trip With Kids?
How Do You Survive a Road Trip With Kids?
I'd like to tell you that I found a bunch of tips that will make your upcoming road trip a dream. An easy dream where your kids contiune acting like the angels that they are, but I didn't.
Raising Non-Materialistic Kids in Idaho
Raising Non-Materialistic Kids in Idaho
Raising Non-Materialistic Kids in Idaho
There are some great advantages to raising your kids in Idaho. I think it is ever kids dream to have space to ride their bikes, dig holes, treasure hunt in their backyard, etc. However, it's 2016 and as American's we are obsessed with "things". We have been trained that the more "things" we have the better. And the more "things" our kids have the better parents we are
Question For Twin Falls Parents
Question For Twin Falls Parents
Question For Twin Falls Parents
Most people that live in Idaho during the winter love to play on their devices. We play video games with our kids, send emails from our computers, check Facebook on our phones and shop on our tablets. Our kids love their devices too. If it were up to my 8 year old, he would stay home all day everyday and play on his tablet, video games, computer, etc.
Are Twin Falls Kids Little Thieves?
Are Twin Falls Kids Little Thieves?
Are Twin Falls Kids Little Thieves?
I love my little bundles of joy but sometimes they can ruin my week because they are little thieves! Thieves may be too strong of a word but I am tired of them high-jacking my phone. It's not like they don't have their own devices.

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