We camped multiple times last year, and there was a massive influx of people. The area chamber of commerce and other travel sites have been talking up the area in recent years as a way to drive more people to this region of the state, and we really felt the impact in 2021.
I must say, when I first saw Cody's fin skimming across the gentle, blue waters of Stanley, I had to do a quick beer count to make sure I wasn't grossly impaired.
In Idaho, I think many of us hoped that Stanley Lake was just gonna stay as our cool little secret. Now that it's been named on a national list as one of the best in America, that's probably not gonna remain the case.
We have so many beautiful lakes in Idaho. The scenery around them is often spectacular. This is especially true of Stanley Lake and the mountains around it. But, what I find interesting is what you find under the water. I have no scuba gear, but that doesn't mean I can't find out what lies on the bottom thanks to the Internet.