Texas Sends a Warning to Idaho When it Comes to Wind Power
When it’s hot, wind power is suddenly useless. A fellow wrote to me this week and said he was driving past the wind turbines along the Interstate between Jerome and Boise. Nothing was moving. Meanwhile, In Texas, they’ve had the same experience. It’s hot and the wind isn’t blowing. Turbines in Texas also had a colossal failure due to cold weather a couple of winters ago.
Apparently, when we get intense heat, the wind slows. The Dallas Morning News explains the Texas network is operating at a paltry eight percent. The state, which is awash in oil and natural gas, is heavily dependent on wind for its electricity.
It’s hot in Texas every summer. The same goes for the high desert in Idaho. We may also get colder in winter. In Texas, the idea is that the power is for the locals. The new farms being proposed across five counties in southern Idaho are for the benefit of Californians and Las Vegas, Nevada. A huge amount of power will never make it to the other states as much is lost over long-distance transmission. Then when the wind stops, the question becomes how much electricity can be lost over hundreds of miles when none is being generated (give the liberals a few minutes for an answer because in their world, this is a tough one)?
There are federal bureaucrats who still believe they can pound this square peg into a round hole, but the folly of the green energy crowd is becoming frighteningly clear. Check out this link from the Washington Examiner. Unless we resume sanity, the entire planet is heading for disaster. Here, the lefties will simply be rejected on Election Day. Elsewhere, people are dying and more will die. This one is in on the globalist cabal and its liberal allies.