To Save Idaho From Wind Farms We Could Use Greta Thunberg

Greta Thunberg is an angry young woman. She believes humanity is at stake as the world warms. I suspect she supports wind power. She doesn’t support it when it comes to destroying a culture. As some of you know, she was arrested for demonstrating against an expansion of wind power in northern Norway. It would severely impact the culture and economy of the Sami people, who have lived in northern Scandinavia for as long as anyone can remember.
A writer at the Federalist has a facetious headline about Thunberg’s opposition. My guess is the young woman would be OK with turbines, but at another location. I applauded her action on my Facebook page, and then some ignoramus suggested I now liked her because she was fighting the project in Norway. Because as most of you know, in our modern world, if we believe someone is wrong about one thing, then they must be wrong about all things.
What do you think would happen if Thunberg showed up in front of the Minidoka Internment Camp and pledged to do whatever she could to block the installation of wind turbines in southern Idaho? Media from around the world would shed light on the opposition.
It’s not going to happen, because the activist doesn’t fly. She would take months to get here by sailing across the ocean in a solar-powered boat.
But these are the alliances we need to foster if you want to save the Magic Valley. What’s your priority? Stopping wind farms or owning the liberals?
This past weekend I had a notification from Google photos, sharing similar shots of southern Idaho. Please, don’t let party registration get in the way of saving this magnificent land.
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