2019 is a rough year for fandoms. It is the year so many of them have announced will be their final series or movie. Which one are you going to miss the most?

This is an incredibly difficult decision for me. I mean, the fandoms that I am part of range all over the place. And for some of these movies and series it has been a very long reign. So here are some of the movies franchises and television series that are going to call it quits after 2019.

I am sad about all of these. I am not sure if I am the most sad about "Star Wars", "Avengers" (technically MCU) or "Game of Thrones". Literally, all my favorite shows are on this list. EVERYTHING THAT I LOVE IS GOING TO END!

I know that it is just TV and movies, but you tend to feel a connection with these characters, especially after 10 years or longer. Are there any favorite that we missed?

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