Flying has always been my biggest fear in life. A retired Idaho pilot who was flying over a backcountry ranch recently shared footage he took that is both breathtaking and unnerving to watch and could have resulted in disaster if it weren't for his experience.

I can't imagine the amount of nerves it takes to get a pilot's license. Taking control of an airplane for the first time might be exhilarating for the pilot, but the thought of me having to do that scares the everloving hell out of me. The only thing I can think of that's more terrifying than taking off is landing.

Talk about "God's country." I actually think the man flying the plane may have had God as a co-pilot that afternoon.

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The YouTube channel Clear Direct is one I recently discovered. I watched a 16-minute video uploaded by the channel's host titled, "I Scared Myself in Idaho," and it's remarkable. The footage of the pilot soaring above a ranch on the Salmon River is worth the watch alone, but then when he describes some tense moments navigating through heavy winds that made landing next to impossible the first several times around it made my cheeks clench.

Talk about "God's country." I actually think the man flying the plane may have had God as a co-pilot that afternoon. The video has racked up nearly 10,000 views and close to 100 comments in less than a day on YouTube.

This guy is a true stud. What an amazing video he shared.

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