What Is The Fine For Illegal Fireworks In Twin Falls?
On the 4th of July we celebrate our independence...but that doesn't mean we are independent of laws. Most of us are aware that aerial fireworks are illegal, but still have a neighbor or relative who always buys illegal fireworks.
So, what happens if they get caught? What is the fine for illegal fireworks in Twin Falls? And what fireworks are actually legal?
Below you will find a complete list of illegal fireworks, legal fireworks, and the infractions you could receive for illegal fireworks. This information comes from the Twin Falls City Code from Sterling Codifers, Inc.

It shall be unlawful for any person in the city to import, export, offer for sale, give away, sell, possess, keep, store, or permit the keeping or storing of any fireworks or to fire, discharge or display any fireworks except as hereinafter provided.
DANGEROUS FIREWORKS: Includes any of the following:
- Skyrockets and bottle rockets, including all similar devices employing any combustible or explosive material which rise in the air during discharge;
- Roman candles and similar devices, including cakes, repeaters and multiple tube devices loaded in such a way as to propel pyrotechnic effects into the air;
- Aerial display shells containing pyrotechnic effects or salutes producing displays or reports in the sky generally fired or propelled from a cylindrical or spherical shell casing;
- Snakes or other effects which are ignited or burn containing bichloride of mercury
- Sparklers more than ten inches (10″) in length or one-fourth inch (1/4″) in diameter
- Sky lanterns, fire balloons or balloons of any type which have burning material of any kind attached thereto or which require fire underneath to propel them.
SAFE AND SANE FIREWORKS: Includes any of the following “nonaerial” common fireworks:
- Any fireworks such as ground spinners, fountains, sparklers, smoke devices or snakes designed to remain on or near the ground and not to travel outside a fifteen foot (15′) diameter circle or emit sparks or other burning material which land outside a twenty foot (20′) diameter circle or above a height of twenty feet (20′). Nonaerial common fireworks do not include firecrackers, jumping jacks, or similar products;
- Cylindrical fountains with inside tube diameter not exceeding three-fourths inch (3/4″);
- Sparklers and “dipped sticks” not more than ten inches (10″) in length or one-fourth inch (1/4″) in diameter with pyrotechnic composition not exceeding four grams (4 g) each. Sparklers or “dipped sticks” described in this section shall be burned individually and shall not be conjoined, banded, attached or affixed to additional sparklers or “dipped sticks” while ignited;
- Snakes which do not contain bichloride of mercury;
- Whistles, without report and which do not dart or travel about the ground during discharge containing no picric or Gallic acid.
- The possession or discharge of dangerous fireworks without a dangerous fireworks permit shall be an infraction punishable by a fine of one hundred dollars ($100.00).
- The use or discharge of safe and sane fireworks outside the designated dates of sale and hours of use specified within this chapter shall be an infraction punishable by a fine of one hundred dollars ($100.00).
- All other violations of this chapter shall be a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to three hundred dollars ($300.00) and imprisonment for a period of time not to exceed six (6) months, or both.
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